Top 10k strings from Gorgon (1983)(Phipps Associates)(Side A).tzx
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2 Z to V Move left 2 Y to P Straight up 2 STORY 2 H to ENTER 45 2 B to SPACE Move right 2 A to G 45 2 ;" Key Action",, 2 ;" Keys Shield Position", 2 ;" Keys Movement", 2 1983 Phipps Associates 2 ----------------------- 2 *********************** 2 to the right 2 to the left 2 X Sword down 2 W Sword up 2 S Sword forward 2 D Step forward 2 A Step back 2 0 Thrust from any position 1 SPECTRASSES 1 If you want a printed copy of the key requirements, then enter~c~. If not, just press ENTER. 1 Gorgon & Grang - Rules 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"I am loading ""GORGON"" for you..." 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE", 1 ;" Press a key", 1 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777700777777777777777777777777777777000777777777777777777700007777700007777777777 1 777777770000777000000077711777777777777770000000000000177117777777777777770000000000011111177777777777777700000000077711117777777777777777700000071111111117777777777777777700077711111111177777777777777777000077111111111777777277777777777000077777777777777722277777777770000777777777777772222777777777700777777777777777222227777777777777777777777777772222277777777777777777777777777722277711111111111111111111111777277777111111111111111111111 1 1777277777111111111111111111111117772777771111111111 1 111111111111777277777111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 ''''"In battle with GRANG:-" 1 ''"Straight up"'"45 1 ''"In practice, keys V,B,G,H and Y give all the necessary control using two hands." 1 '"You must make a sword move immediately before you make a thrust move. To parry just copy Grang's position." 1 '"You have calculated that if you can reflect Gorgon's stare back into his eyes he will be turned into stone. You will then be able to go to Grang's cave and engage him in mortal combat!" 1 '"Unfortunately the shield is veryheavy and you can only hold it up for very short periods and then drop it. You must move to pick it up again, moving either left or right." 1 '"The story is set in Ancient Greece. You are 1 '"The number of hits required to kill either of you depends on the skill level that you select." 1 '"If you succeed in turning Gorgoninto stone you will see Grang's cave entrance appear. You will run to it and the door will swing open and you enter......" 1 '"Grang is strong, needing severalwounds to kill him, but the Godshave granted you strength so that Grang will need to inflict a number of wounds on you in order to kill you."''"The top of the screen shows the number of remaining hits needed to kill either of you, and everyhit is indicated by a light appearing on the appropriate side of the screen." 1 "chalice from the sacred temple belonging to your home town. This chalice was entrusted to the people by the Gods for safe keeping but, because the towns- folk became indolent, Grang was able to steal the chalice." 1 "You will be faced with six pillars of the ruined temple. Gorgon will appear from behind these pillars and will look at you. You are behind a wall peer-ing over. You must pick up your highly polished shield and hold it over your head in one of three positions:-" 1 "You must thrust from any posi- tion to wound Grang, but a parrywill block your move. The same rules apply to Grang." 1 "You know that Grang has gone to his secret cave underneath a ruined temple. This temple is guarded by Grang's friend GORGON" 1 "When the inside of the cave appears you will be on the left hand side of the screen, sword in hand facing Grang. You engagehim in mortal combat using the following keys :-" 1 "The table below shows the keys which control all movement at this stage of the game:-" 1 "The game is held on the other side of the cassette, so you should now wind forward and turnthe tape over. The game is loaded by entering the command:-"''" LOAD ""GORGON"""'''''''"MAY THE GODS LOOK WELL UPON YOU" 1 "The Gods have, of course, becomevery angry and have commanded the sea to rise until the Town is flooded - unless the chalice is returned to the temple." 1 "The Gods are not totally unfair and have given you three extra lives to deal with Gorgon."''"You will see a flood-level indicator at the bottom of the screen. If the second level is completed then the village will be flooded!" 1 "Press ENTER "; 1 "In battle with GORGON:-" 1 "Any man that looks upon GORGON will be turned into stone. However, because you are clever as well as fearless you have worked out a way to destroy Gorgon." 1 to the right" 1 to the left"'"45 1 a local hero of the time. GRANG anugly ruffian has stolen a golden" 1 Loading: Please wait 1 By B.G. Cornhill 1 By B.G. Cornhill 1 GORGON 1 1 1